Tuesday 11 October 2011

Aaron Kirton- Asseesment Three

This is the assessment three posts on blogger, delicious, flickr and mu CSU website.

# Blogger
From the start of this subject to the end of this assessment my blog postings have focused on things which are funny these included short jokes, images, videos and quotes. Most of these posts focused on on theme such as funny moments in sport, funny movies and funny motivation sign; just to list a few. As well as writing posts on funny things I also did a number of posts on takes undertaken in class, such as my thoughts on fetch,FTP, HTML, as well as Delicious, Flickr and Blogger.

I also changed the form on mu blogger pages. This was done by changing the front and background images (different from assessment one). I also added a counter, Flickr Photostream, Master Blog Feed, Link list, a fish app, funny things to ponder, RSS feed to other funny websites and a Blog Archive.

Link to my Blogger

In all I uploaded 71 photos to my Flickr account. All photos included descriptions, tags and were put into albums. All photos have been taken by myself and are from thing in my life which I like. This included Europe photos, interesting photos and fishing photos.

My Flickr

# Delicious
Throughout this class I have constantly uploaded links to my Delicious account. These included links for my blogger, flicker, CSU website, browsers, social links and useful links.


#My Website
The website which I created for assessment two, focused on funny content. The website including funny videos, images, quotes. The layout was originally adapted from the comic book template, however a majority of it was changed. It also include link to my website was well as an RSS feed.

My Website

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Saturday 1 October 2011

Funny Family Photos

I think these funny family photos should never have seen the light of day. However they did and they are very funny.  Please enjoy and be happy there not your family.







Random Pictures

I was not sure what to look up, so here is some random funny photos. Enjoy.....






