Wednesday 28 September 2011

Assesment Two-Wedsite

I found this to be both an interesting and frustrating assessment. Firstly it was interesting to learn about the different programs available for creating website, such as IWeb and Fetch. However I did have problems with the use of the program IWeb, although it was rather easy to use, problems encored which I could not explain. After redoing my website and changing some aspects it seems the problems resolved themselves. I did not have problems uploading my website using Fetch to upload it to the CSU sever, however some class mates who did the same steps as myself did.

When it comes to my actual website, I chose to focus on making my website funny, simpler to my blog posts. I chose the comic templates because I wanted my website to be bright and exciting; keeping in with this idea of funny. My website included a webpage for funny images, funny videos and funny quotes. I also ensured that my website had an RSS feed to my blog, a link to my flicker delious and blogger account and all other check listed items outlined on the master blog.

Here is a link to my newly created website, enjoy.

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